Sunday, April 27, 2008

On a serious note...

I always thought if you killed someone, no matter who you are, you would end up in prison... but I see I was wrong. On Friday, April 25th, the three cops on trial for killing Sean Bell were acquitted of all charges and found not guilty in the case of his murder. Now, excuse me if I am wrong, but when has it been acceptable to get away with murder? This just shows me, and hopefully EVERYONE that the holice (police for those that have respect for them) is neither  here to protect nor serve, and no matter what the law says... they will never have to abide by it. May God rest Sean Bell's soul, and please watch over his family. I say that with events happening like this still in 2008, we should stand up as people to try our best to get some type of justice from the judicial system... and finally expose them for being both fucked up and corrupted.

Forever Ill,


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